• Heine Østby is Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Lumarine
  • Heine has extensive management experience from large international industrial companies over many years. He has, among other things, been managing director of 3B Fiberglass Norway AS for 8 years, CEO of Otera Infra AS, as well as production manager of Saint Gobain Ceramic Materials Norway AS etc.
  • In addition, Heine has been commander in several of the Norwegian Army's combat departments for over 15 years.
  • Heine has education in education at university level, War and staff schools in the Armed Forces at Master's level, as well as staff and leadership schools in the US Army, USA. He currently sits on the boards of Innovation Norway and Siva, as well as chairs the election committee in the Eyde cluster and is a member of the election committee in NHO Agder.

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Management team